Fine Arts
Ravenwood High provides each student with the opportunity to fully immerse themselves into the arts. And along the way, passion and talents are unveiled as students are free to express themselves as individuals.
Please visit the Ravenwood band web site to learn more about all the opportunities available to band students and families.
We are committed to the development of common attitudes, interests and goals through goal setting, planning, and implementation of these plans to achieve objectives. Members are also responsible for managing their space and tools so everyone can function to their fullest potential. This intimate community should extend beyond the walls of the band room and into the school, our local communities, and the state. We will strive to become the standard for Ravenwood High School.
We will achieve levels of excellence through a positive attitude, commitment, and work ethic; by giving 100%.
We will enjoy the art of music making and the processes involved with this activity, with our friends, band staff, and families.
We will actively and positively support the band program through volunteering, fundraising, donating, and attending school events and contests. We will work in a spirit of cooperation to support the direction of the program as laid out by the directors and staff. This involves celebrating each success and comforting each disappointment. Advocacy should also extend beyond the band room as we promote our program through our website, social media, school and county newsletters, local newspapers, and television media.
We will be caretakers of our personal, organizational, and financial resources.
We will serve the needs of individuals of all cultures, levels, and abilities.
We will be creative and courageous conceptualizers in our pursuit of excellence.
We will uphold a code of honor that is representative of the highest morals and values of good citizens.
We will provide the necessary funding, staff, and tools for our students. We will share our principles and philosophies with our community and other organizations.
We will lead in a positive manner through service to others and through the above mentioned core values.
The mission of Ravenwood Choirs is to create lifelong, musically-literate learners who have:
- An understanding of diverse music from all genres and cultures,
- A foundation of music theory and history, and
- A skillset for healthy vocal production as a basis for a lifetime of singing.
Above all, to inspire a love for music and a desire for excellence at all times.
Additionally, I have seen firsthand the positive impact that high-quality music instruction can have on students and their communities and love to facilitate that experience for others. Not only do I love seeing my students grow as singers, through countless successful community performances and competitions; and not only do I love seeing them grow as students, cultivating leadership skills, teamwork, and discipline; but I love seeing them grow as people in a community, coming together and putting aside their differences to create something beautiful and larger than themselves.
Meet the Teacher:
Rose Hellmers, a 2023 CMA National Music Teacher of Excellence, is the Director of Choirs at Ravenwood High School, where she conducts four choirs that consistently receive the highest scores from every judge in every category at district, state, and national competitions. She also teaches AP Music Theory, where she achieved the only 100% pass rate in the district. In the past 2 years, she has over doubled the size of the choir program and aims to continue expanding it so that all students can experience the joy and magic of choral music-making. Ravenwood Choirs consistently has the most students make Mid-State, All-State, Regional ACDA, National ACDA, Freshman Honor Choir, and Solo and Ensemble in the entire district. Additionally, Ravenwood was the only school in the state to have all 4 of its choirs earned Superior ratings at both District and State CPA (Choral Performance Assessment) in both Performance and Sight-Reading, with Chorale and Chamber earning perfect scores both years in a row. In the past 2 years, her choir students have performed at Dollywood, Disney World, Raleigh NC, Cincinnati OH, and are traveling to Europe on a 5-country tour in Summer 2024. Her annual collaborative concerts - including the Fall Showcase, Winter Concert with Orchestra, Pre-Festival Concert with Feeder Schools (this past year featuring not only Woodland and Sunset Middle School but also Clovercroft Elementary!), and Spring Pops Concert - have quickly become a tradition and standing-room only. She raises tens of thousands of dollars annually to support RHS Choirs through many fundraisers and grants. She also serves as the High School Choir Team Lead, helping to oversee and organize all the high school choir teachers in Williamson County.
Hellmers is also the Faculty Advisor for the Ravenwood Tri-M Music Honors Society, the only national honors society for high school musicians. She also serves as Music Director and Pit Conductor for Ravenwood’s musicals, earning Spotlight awards for Best Vocals and Orchestra. Outside of Ravenwood, Hellmers serves as the Assistant Conductor of the Nashville Symphony Chorus, where she has prepared many choral-orchestral works including Handel’s Messiah, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, the recording of Lena Frank’s Conquest Requiem, many movie concerts, and Burnett’s Bluegrass Mass, which she conducted at the TN ACDA. In previous positions, Hellmers was Director of Choirs at Portage Northern MS/HS (selected to conduct at MI ACDA) and the founding Strings Director at Nashville K-8 Harding Academy. In both these previous positions, her choirs consistently earned the highest scores from every judge in every category at district, state, and national competitions, and she markedly increased the sizes of both programs. She was named a Conducting Fellow at the Atlanta Summer Conducting Institute, conducted at national masterclasses throughout the country, and conducted the New York Philharmonic with DCINY at Carnegie Hall. She is in demand as a clinician, mentor teacher (having 3 student teachers so far), and presenter, presenting Summer 2023 at the TN ACDA conference. As a performer, she has performed across the globe, such as in the InterHarmony Music Festival in Italy. Hellmers received a full scholarship for her Masters in Music Education and Bachelor of Music from Vanderbilt University. She currently resides in Nashville with her husband, Carl and her dog, Judy.
Words of Advice From Current RHS Choir Students:
“Choir is my favorite class, and when I'm having a bad day, it always makes me feel better.” - 10th grader
“Choir is literally my favorite class, I'm always happy in this class and always feel included and part of the group.” -10th grader
“Choir is a safe spot for everyone and the best part of my day.” -11th grader
“The unity that high school kids can all find by coming together to sing is beautiful and wonderful and really joyful.” -9th grader
“This was the best performance I have ever been a part of. I feel very lucky to be part of this.” -12th grader
“Every day, whether I'm stressed about school work or college, I can leave all that at the class' door. Choir is my favorite class.” -12th grader
“Joining choir is the best decision I made as a high school freshman.” -9th grader
“I love choir so much because I can look forward to going to school just because I'm excited for this class. I've met so many new people and made so many new friends that I wouldn't have if I didn't do choir. Choir constantly has events going on and it's really fun getting involved with the events. The performances are so amazing and I always look forward to them. It's amazing hearing all the voices in choir come together.” - 9th grader
“Every time I get to school in the morning I look forward to this class. This class is my favorite thing and the thing that gets me through the day. I love all of the songs we perform and the community we form just by being in the class. I love how it teaches me music theory and teaches me leadership, organizational skills, and confidence. We do so many fun events, such as, caroling, fundraisers, and the festival trip. It is great to have choir on your college resume. Overall I would just seriously consider this class because I guarantee you will fall in love with it.” - 10th grader
“I would recommend this class to a friend because it's like having a new family and it's super fun. It also counts as an art credit and we have a very good reputation, along with that you don't even have to know how to sing yet because Mrs. Hellmers is the absolute best teacher ever. She is so flexible with time and super understanding and the nicest person ever.” - 10th grader
“Some of my best high school memories I’ve made are at choir conventions and events. Additionally, my entire friend group I´ve met through choir. I really don't know where I would be without choir.” -12th grader
Ravenwood Choirs: A Place For All
At Ravenwood Choirs, we are proud to have a fun, warm, and welcoming choir family. Whether you are brand new to singing or are a seasoned musician, there’s a place for you at Ravenwood Choirs!
Reasons to Join - There are SO many good reasons to join Ravenwood Choirs, but here are our top 3:
1. A Musical Family
There’s something amazing about working with a group of 100+ peers to make an excellent performance that brings you all together, creating memories to last a lifetime. As you can see in the testimonials below, many students make their best friends in choir. We have many social events like after-concert parties, karaoke, movie nights, etc. and are all about having a strong, fun choir community!
2. A Winning Team
RHS Choirs has an extensive history of excellence and is known as a top-tier program, consistently earning state, regional, and national recognition. We offer many opportunities for success through many performances at concerts, individual competitions like Mid-State and All-State, performances at football games, caroling, group competitions, field trips (we are going to Disney World this year!), and much more!
3. Enrich Your Education
Countless studies show that music students are happier, have higher grades, earn more scholarships, and learn to be great leaders because of their studies in music. Last year alone, our choir students earned over $10 million in college scholarships. You will learn so much about music (in all different styles, Bach to Broadway!), about collaboration, leadership, and about yourself.
For any other questions, please reach out to!
What choirs does RHS offer?
We offer 4 curricular choirs, in addition to extracurricular offerings such as the spring musical and Grand Chorus. All 4 count as fine arts/elective credits, and all 4 consistently receive the highest rankings at district, state, and national festivals:
Men’s Ensemble - non-auditioned tenor/basses. Typically all tenor/basses begin in this choir.
Treble Choir - non-auditioned soprano/altos. Typically all soprano/altos begin in this choir.
Honors Chorale - audition required. 10th-12th grade sopranos/altos. Counts as an honors credit.
Honors Chamber - audition required. Upperclassmen SATB. Counts as an honors credit.
Can I do choir with AP/honors classes, band, orchestra, theater, sports, etc.?
YES! The vast majority of our students are involved in MANY things besides choir, including all the things listed above! Participating in curricular high school music has been consistently linked to a higher GPA. You will also learn many leadership skills, time management, collaboration, etc. that will help you in college, work, and beyond. Bottom line - yes you can do it all! Please ask Mrs. Hellmers if you need any help scheduling - the reason to not do choir should NEVER be scheduling.
Do I have to have previous choir or musical experience to join?
Absolutely not! We have all levels of musical experience represented in RHS Choirs, from those who have been singing since they were 2 years old to those who didn't begin until their senior year of high school. There is truly a place for everyone in RHS Choirs, and you will quickly see how vital you will become to the ensemble!
How do I join?
Just talk to your counselor and add Choir to your class schedule!
RHS Choirs 22-23 Major Accomplishments:
35 Ravenwood Choir students were selected for Mid-State & Freshman Honors in downtown Nashville (a 30% increase from last year), leading the district and the 3rd most of any school in the state.
17 student soloists and small groups received Superior or Excellent at Solo and Ensemble competition in Lebanon, leading the district.
16 students selected for All-State at the Opryland Hotel, again leading the district and 3rd of all schools in the state.
13 students represented RHS at the ACDA National Honor Choir in Cincinnati, OH, the premier high school vocal competition in the nation. RHS had more students selected than any other school in the state for this amazing honor that allowed students to perform with the top singers from all 50 states and work with the most outstanding choral conductors in the world!
8 Superiors earned at District Choral Festival - every single RHS choir earned this top rank in both sight-reading and performance, with many perfect scores.
8 Superiors earned at State Choral Festival - every RHS choir again earned the top rank. Chorale and Chamber had perfect scores from all judges in all categories, earning them the highest marks in all of TN. No other school in the state had 4 groups earn Superior.
6 Days on a spring break Disney World trip with 60 students representing RHS well by winning the entire national Festival Disney Competition: our students earned a Superior rating, Best in Class, AND Grand Champions of the whole competition! Also a wonderful volunteer performance at the Make-A-Wish Hotel Give Kids the World (and subsequent performance at the RHS Make-A-Wish assembly!)
4 amazing collaborative concerts - a fall showcase, a combined winter concert with the orchestra, a combined feeder concert before festival (with 4 schools, including Woodland, Sunset, and Clovercroft!), and our spring pops concert "A Blast From The Past"!
Many social and community events and performances, including about a dozen national anthems, a tailgate, the Homecoming parade, Christmas caroling, karaoke party, an exchange program with a London Choir (The Moore House Choir), many fundraisers like apparel and smoothies, recruitment visits and club fairs, the first annual Senior Dinner at Mrs. Hellmers' house, singing at Baccalaureate and Graduation, and weekly leadership meetings in our Leadership Program.
The RHS Choir program grew from 59 (21-22) to 95 (22-23), and is on track to be at 120+ next year, over doubling in size!
We had 5 sold-out shows of our spring musical Cinderella, earning 8 Spotlight Award nominations for best in the state, including Best Orchestra!
The Tri-M Music Honors Society inducted 55 new members.
AP Music Theory class size grew 110% from the previous year! For the second year in a row, 100% of all students passed the exam with an average score of 4.5!
Mission Statement
To create a Community of Culture and enrich the lives of our students through music.
EXCELLENCE: We will bring our best every day as a student or teacher or parent.
TEAMWORK: We will strive to work together as we are only as strong as our weakest link.
ENJOYMENT: We love what we do and we are doing what we love!
COMMUNITY: We will support our family and friends in our school and Ravenwood community.
INCLUSIVE: All students will be valued and respected in all aspects of their lives period.
CHALLENGE: Create an environment that challenges student and promotes personal growth.
LEADERSHIP: Orchestra students lead by example.
STRIVE: Sing with passion, Try harder, rehearse consistently, Intentional, Voice your concern, Engage.
Greatness is not handed to you on a silver platter!
Orchestra Programs Offered at Ravenwood:
Chamber Orchestra: is the varsity level orchestra that consists of primarily 10th, 11th and 12th graders and a few 9th graders. The Chamber Orchestra is an Honors Level Class and students are selected in a highly competitive audition process every spring. The Ravenwood High School Chamber Orchestra students regularly participate in Tennessee All-State Orchestras, Middle Tennessee “Mid State Orchestras” and Williamson County Honor Orchestras. The Ravenwood High School Chamber Orchestra has consistently earned Superior Ratings at MTSBOA Concert Performance Assessment and performs standard string orchestra literature throughout the year. The Chamber Orchestra partners with the Ravenwood Wind Ensemble to also perform full orchestra music in the spring.
Concert Orchestra: is the non-varsity orchestra consisting of 9th, 10th and 11th graders. This is the Standard non auditioned orchestra class at Ravenwood High School. Concert Orchestra students work for excellence on the fundamentals of string technique. These include Intonation, Shifting, Sight-Reading, and Vibrato. They learn to perform in multiple key signatures and mixed meter time signatures. They learn to be proficient in ensemble skills and tone production. The Ravenwood Concert Orchestra performs music literature at a Grade III-IV level. Concert Orchestra Students participate in all Orchestra Concerts throughout the year and have the opportunity to audition for WCS Honor Orchestra in the fall, Mid-State Orchestra in the winter and Solo and Ensemble Contest in the spring. Concert Orchestra also performs in MTSBOA Concert Performance Assessment every year.
Theatre Arts
Mission Statement
Ravenwood High School Department of Theatre Arts offers an array of courses. The emphasis is on training for higher education, professional theatre, with practical application in performance, design and production. It’s professionally active faculty guides students in programs which offer both rigor and creative challenge. Graduates are able to compete successfully with graduates from comparable institutions in the Higher Education Programs. The department strives to promote the attributes of good citizenship and human values desirable and essential to the communal occupation and art that is Theatre, and to the human family.
The faculty of the Theatre Arts Department is committed to the following goals:
To provide an applied and experimental understanding of theatre and to develop basic skills in the performance, design, and production aspects of the art.
To provide a curriculum that emphasizes the creative process and how, in turn, the creative process contributes to the evolution of culture.
To provide a theoretical and historical understanding of the theatre and the conventional standards by which it is judged through scripts, knowledge of the physical theatre and production techniques, and the aesthetics of drama.
To allow students to recognize their own potential.
Performance Opportunities
Main Stage Season: Two Main Stage productions are presented annually.
Fall: Straight Play of dramatics. This could be a dramatic or comedic.
Spring: A full length Musical. This could be a dramatic or comedic.
Studio Theatre Season: A small personal engagement that takes place in the RPAC. Limited seating that is arranged on the stage.
January: This maybe a series of One Acts, a Musical Revue or Song Cycles.
Children’s Theatre: RHS Theatre for Young Audiences (RHSTYA) will present a production that can be toured through local schools in Williamson County.
Theatre I:
This is an intro to theatre. In this course you learn the basics of theatre history, terminology, performance aspects and styles. This course requires performances during class time, solo work, group work and proper etiquette as a performer and audience member. Understanding the dramatic structure and being able to apply that into written pieces and performances. An “Acting Journal” is required. This is a notebook specified to theatre only that you will keep all your work in and is checked weekly or biweekly as part of your grade.
Play Production:
Advanced theatre class. You must take theatre I in order to take this class. In this class you will learn about the technical aspect of theatre. Lights, sound and scenic design. You will be helping with the design and construction of the sets, lights and sound for the theatrical productions that happen throughout the year.
Theatre II:
Advanced theatre class. You must take theatre I in order to qualify for theatre II. This course focuses on character development and script analysis. There are many performances during the course of the school year. Understanding how to break down a script into actor beats, what the underlining meaning behind the dialogue is through different acting styles. Uta Hagen, Stanislavski, Meisner and Stella Adler. An “Acting Journal” is required. This is a notebook specified to theatre only that you will keep all your work in and is checked weekly or biweekly as part of your grade. At the end of the school year this class will perform for the faculty and students showing their progress through partnered scenes directed by the Theatre III class.
Theatre III:
Advanced theatre class. You must take theatre II in order to qualify for theatre III. This is a directing intensive course. You will learn the meaning of a vision and what that entails. From the set design, lights, sound, music, history of the piece, theme and blocking. Understanding how to work collaboratively. You will learn how to put together a production book that keeps your notes of each rehearsal, set design, lights etc. This class requires a directing notebook, which has all your notes from class and scenes that you’ll work on over the course of the school year. At the end of the year Theatre III will direct the Theatre II students in a final showcase that will be presented to the faculty and students.
Theatre IV:
You must take all three theatre courses before you can take this course. In this class you will work on your acting, directing or technical portfolio.
Acting FocusedWork on audition materialMonologues: Comedic, Dramatic, Classical
Musical Selections: Uptempo, Ballads, Classical and Contemporary
Directing FocusedWork on directing materialProduction Book
Style of directing
Tech FocusedScenic DesignPutting together ground plans
3D models (Rendered)
Design styles
Lighting DesignPhotos of previous work
How to light different types of performancesPlays
Dance shows
How lighting and colors and set the mood and location
Having the knowledge of how to work different types of lighting boards
Sound DesignCreating the proper sound balance
Board Operation
Mixing different instruments and vocals
Choosing music that fits with the directors vision
Getting or creating sound effect
At the end of the school year there will be a senior showcase. The performers, directors and technicians will collaborate and put on a night of theatre. Monologues, musical numbers, partnered scenes will be performed, directing and produced by the senior students to the faculty and students in the RPAC.
Other Features of the Theatre Arts Program
Open Mic Night: This will take place in the cafeteria once a month. (Thespian Society)
Student Run (with faculty supervision): Students will have the opportunity to perform songs, musical instruments, monologues, poems, etc.
Hosted by a student(s): This event will be hosted by a student(s) with donations collected at the door to go towards the Theatre Department for production costs and guest artists.
Guest Artists/Workshops/Master Classes: Special events can only complement and enrich the scholastic offerings and productions at RHS. Every effort will be made to get the best in every field to share their professional and life experiences. These guests may come from Nashville (colleges and professional), New York (professionals on and off Broadway), and Department chairs of prestigious University and Colleges around the country.
Theatre Advisory Board: The Program Director invites two elected members of the Thespian Society to participate with the Program Director and/or Theatre Arts Faculty members to help define all areas of the program, curriculum development and input on choosing the season. The Board should provide a conduit for theatre students to convey their views and concerns to the theatre faculty, provide training in parliamentary procedure, and to educate students in the economic realities of play production.
Advisement: All members of the theatre department are heavily involved in advisement on all levels, formally and informally.
Visual Arts
Did you Know?
Art classes are designed so that ALL students can be successful + express personal ideas.
We have common assessments, grading and scope & sequence for same courses, all instructors.
Student artwork is consistently displayed from Mid-Sept thru early May in school foyer and Fine Arts hallway.
There are many opportunities for art recognition & achievement…
Scholastic Art – December deadline (regional & national competition)
WCS Art Show at the Frist – February deadline
WCS Calendar & Awards – March deadline
Ravenwood Annual Art Show & Awards – in April