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Library & Technology Resources

The Ravenwood High School Media Center collection includes a diverse selection of over 16,000 fiction and nonfiction books, reference works, magazines, newspapers, and online resources as well as audio-visual materials and equipment. Additionally, the Media Center offers students and teachers resources that can be accessed from any internet-connected computer or device, including one from home.

Media Specialists

Elizabeth Johnson and Brigid Day

Elizabeth Johnson - (615) 472-4804
Brigid Day - (615) 472-4791

Mission & Strategies

The Media Center is committed to the learning community at Ravenwood High School. We promote and support the instructional program by encouraging students, faculty, and staff to become effective users of information and technology and life-long readers and by providing a friendly environment for learning, research, collaboration, and quiet study.

  • Select and organize materials for research projects
  • Assist students in finding appropriate materials
  • Provide multi-media resources and assistance for students and teachers
  • Train students and staff in information literacy skills, technology skills
  • Create displays and programs to encourage student reading
  • Maintain the library’s print, electronic and multimedia collection
  • Develop the library’s collection to represent current and authoritative information
  • Collaborate with teachers to plan and implement lessons, incorporating technology whenever possible
  • Choose quality, appropriate and contemporary materials for pleasure reading
  • Provide students with a variety of activities throughout the day for their Social and Emotional needs

Media Center Policies

  • Students must sign-in upon entering the Library. Once they sign in, they must remain in the Library for the entire period.
  • Clean up after yourself - students can enjoy snacks and drinks in the Library, but they must put trash away before leaving.
  • Be respectful of everyone!

Parent Resources

Below is a list of some of our popular and helpful resources for students.